Lake Erie Committee

The Lake Erie Committee consists of senior staff members from Michigan Department of Natural Resources, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, and Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission. The Committee's purposes are to:

  • consider issues pertinent to, or referred by, the commission;
  • consider issues and problems of common concern to member agencies;
  • develop and coordinate joint programs and research projects; and
  • serve as a forum for state, provincial, tribal, and federal agencies.

Lake Erie Committee Terms of Reference


  • David Nihart, Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, Chair
  • Brian Locke, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Vice Chair
  • Jim Francis, Michigan Department of Natural Resources
  • Travis Hartman, Ohio Department of Natural Resources
  • Jason Robinson , New York State Department of Environmental Conservation

Updated: Aug, 2024

Lake Erie Standing Technical Committee and Task Groups

The Lake Erie Standing Technical Committee (STC) consists of fishery biologists from Michigan Dept. of Natural Resources, New York Dept. Environmental Conservation, Ohio Dept. of Natural Resources, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, and Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission. The STC is a sub-committee of the Lake Erie Committee (LEC), appointed by the LEC. The main function of the STC is to organize and to help facilitate work in the form of charges from the LEC. STC members are the senior scientific advisory group for the LEC.

Lake Erie Standing Technical Committee Terms of Reference

The efforts of the STC are supported by the Coldwater Task Group, Forage Task Group, Habitat Task Group, Walleye Task Group, and Yellow Perch Task Group.

Coldwater Task Group Terms of Reference

Forage Task Group Terms of Reference

Habitat Task Group Terms of Reference

Walleye Task Group Terms of Reference

Yellow Perch Task Group Terms of Reference

Meeting minutes from the technical committee meetings may be available on the Publication Search.

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