Theme overview

The Great Lakes Fishery Commission relies on two registered lampricides, 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol (TFM) and niclosamide to control sea lamprey populations in the Great Lakes. Despite the highly successful use of these lampricides, the Great Lakes Fishery Commission and its partners continue to work together to investigate how to improve lampricide efficacy and safety. Current research on TFM and niclosamide is focused on improving treatment effectiveness, predicting and minimizing the effects of lampricides on non-target organisms, understanding the modes of toxic action of TFM and niclosamide, developing next generation lampricides, and ascertaining the environmental fate of lampricides. Emerging research ideas include assessing the possibility of lampricide resistance in sea lamprey and strategies to develop novel lampricides that are more environmentally benign. Use of novel technologies in genomics and green chemistry are also emerging as key research directions in the search for more effective means to control invasive sea lamprey in the Great Lakes.

Theme paper

McDonald, D.G., and Kolar, C.S. 2007. Research to Guide the Use of Lampricides for Controlling Sea Lamprey. Journal of Great Lakes Research 33, Supplement 2: 20-34.

Theme leaders

Theme leaders are available to be contacted to discuss potential research proposals and their relevance to theme area priorities.

Michael Wilkie
Wilfrid Laurier University
Department of Biology
75 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3C5
Phone: (519) 884-0710 x3313

Relevant resources

  • Lampricide Research Compendium – The compendium provides descriptions and data on a wide range of studies investigating the toxicity/toxicological effects of TFM and niclosamide on target and non-target organisms, as well as research results on the environmental fate of these lampricides.

A complete list of completion reports and scientific papers resulting from this theme can be found in the commission's publication database.