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Using white light and alarm cue to direct downstream migrating transformed sea lamprey into traps

This project is testing the effective on white light at an intensity of 1000 lux at 1 m from the source positioned over a stream channel and alarm cue odor introduced at a point upstream of the light on the vertical distribution of juvenile sea lamprey as they move downstream in a flume. The testing is taking place in a 3 m wide flume with water at 1 m deep flowing at 0.5 and 1.0 m/sec. Juvenile sea lamprey are implanted with 12mm PIT tags and vertical position in the flume is monitored via antenna arrays located at 6 points throughout the flume upstream of the lights and 1 point downstream. The goal is to determine if light and alarm cue in combination or alone can drive juvenile sea lamprey to the bottom of a stream channel to concentrate them for easier trapping and removal.



Research Program
Sea Lamprey Research Program

Research Theme
Barriers and Trapping

Start Date

End Date

PI Name
Miehls, Scott

PI Email

PI Institution
U.S. Geological Survey

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