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Development of a prototype two-channel fishway that selectively excludes and removes sea lamprey

Great Lakes fishery managers face a substantial challenge: how to block sea lamprey migrations while minimizing the detrimental effects of dams on desired fishes. We have designed and tested a novel fishway design that uses a species-specific repellent (alarm cue) block entry by sea lamprey into the fishway while allowing native migrants to pass unimpeded. Coupled with a an eel-ladder trap that only only fish with eel-like swimming can climb, we envision a selective fishway that also captures invasive sea lamprey. This project will develop and test a full-scale prototype of the selective fishway in large hydraulic flumes capable of simulating conditions in rivers. We intend to provide a proven design to the GLFC and its partners for installation and testing on a Great Lakes river.



Research Program
Sea Lamprey Research Program

Research Theme
Barriers and Trapping

Start Date

End Date

PI Name
Wagner, Michael

PI Email

PI Institution
Michigan State University

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