Updated 2024-11-22 14:52:53
Lake Superior -> 6.0 Lake Sturgeon -> Juvenile Lake Sturgeon Abundance
Reporting Interval
2017 - 2021
Meeting Target?
Does Not Meet
Indicator Trend
No trend
6.1.2 Average catch-per-unit effort for age 4-8 lake sturgeon in the Lake Sturgeon Index Survey is at least 0.5 fish per 1,000 feet of gillnet.
Juvenile lake sturgeon abundance (age 4-8) is measured through the Lake Sturgeon Index Survey for Lake Superior (Figure 1), which is conducted lake-wide on a five-year cycle (2011, 2016, and 2021). In 2021, 6 of 16 survey sites had catch per unit effort (CPUE) greater than the target of 0.5. A 5 year trend cannot be calculated with this 5 year lake-wide survey. Since 2011, the trend in age 4-8 CPUE is approximately flat.
In Ontario waters, juvenile lake sturgeon survey nets have been used since 2010 (Figure 2) to monitor populations in Lake Superior.
Figure 1. Mean catch per unit effort (CPUE) of age 4-8 lake sturgeon in the Lake Sturgeon Index Survey for Lake Superior.
Figure 2. Number of juvenile and adult sturgeon sampled in Ontario waters, 2010-2023. Juvenile lake sturgeon nets were utilized in this survey so adult lake sturgeon abundance may not necessarily be reflected accurately.
Fisheries agencies around Lake Superior participate in the lake-wide Lake Sturgeon Index Survey. A protocol has been developed to standardize all sampling efforts (Schloesser 2020). Each tributary has a target of 16 gill net sets during the months of June to August. Biological data collection is also standardized among all agencies. Juvenile lake sturgeon survey nets have been used annually in Ontario waters since 2010 (Figure 2).
Other Resources
Hayes, D.B., and Caroffino, D.C. editors. 2012. Michigan’s lake sturgeon rehabilitation strategy. Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Fisheries Special Report 62, Lansing.
Schloesser, J.T., and H.R. Quinlan. 2019. Population status and demographics of Lake Sturgeon in the Bad and White rivers, Wisconsin. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 10:442-457.
Schloesser, J.T. 2020. Sampling and reporting protocols for the Lake Sturgeon Index Survey for Lake Superior. Lake Superior Technical Committee, Lake Sturgeon Work Group.
Contributing Author(s)
- Lake Superior Technical Commitee -