Updated 2024-11-22 15:07:26

Lake Superior -> 7.0 Brook Trout -> Proportion of Transects With Wild Brook Trout

Reporting Interval

2017 - 2021



Meeting Target?

Does Not Meet

Indicator Trend

No trend



7.1.3. Proportion of transects with wild brook trout present is increasing in shoreline assessments

This indicator evaluates the Rehabilitation Plan progress measure of increasing the distribution of wild coaster brook trout based on the percentage of kilometer segments surveyed that are occupied by coasters. See indicator 7.1.2 for an explanation of factors that result in low confidence in this indicator for this reporting interval. The distribution of coasters as a percentage of the segments surveyed in which coasters were captured is shown in Figure 1.  The proportion of transects with brook trout present from the LSTC Coaster Survey Protocol is still below expected levels at selected sites, but was generally higher than values seen prior to the reporting period (2015-2016) at Tobin Harbor and Nipigon Bay, but is low and stable or decreasing at other sampled locations.

Figure 1. Proportion of transects at selected sites in Lake Superior with wild brook trout present.


Shoreline habitats surveyed are presumed suitable and preferred by coasters. The distribution of coasters is evaluated by the proportion of shoreline segments sampled in which fish are caught. When populations are healthy and increasing, the distribution of fish is expected to include all suitable habitats/segments surveyed. The proportion of transects with brook trout present was estimated from the collaboratively developed LSTC Coaster Survey Protocol.  For more information on methodology please see the LSTC Coaster Survey Protocol.

Contributing Author(s)

  • Lake Superior Technical Committee -