Updated 2024-11-22 14:34:04

Lake Superior -> 3.0 Lake Trout -> Siscowet Lake Trout Catch Rate

Reporting Interval

2017 - 2021


Offshore Waters

Meeting Target?


Indicator Trend

No trend



3.1.3 Average mean CPUE of siscowet lake trout from the coordinated lake wide survey in each management unit above 10 fish/ km net night.

The coordinated lake wide gill net survey provides a standardized measure of siscowet (deepwater) lake trout relative abundance in each lake trout management unit in US waters. This graded-mesh survey is conducted at least every three years in each US lake trout management unit. Sampling is conducted across all available depth intervals in each unit and captures a wide distribution of siscowet sizes and ages. Some management units do not have adequate habitat to support target levels of siscowet (e.g. WI-1 & 2) The catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE) in each management unit has varied between reporting periods but was rarely below 10 fish/ km net night in the contemporary period. This was considered a reasonable benchmark because siscowet recruitment was stable and age compositions generally expanded during the contemporary period.

Figure 1. Average siscowet lake trout catch per effort by Management Unit, 2017-2021


Annual catch per effort for siscowet lake trout captured across all depth bins during the survey were provided by each agency responsible for sampling in a management unit. The average catch per effort was calculated using all available annual estimates in the reporting period for each management unit.

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Contributing Author(s)

  • Lake Superior Technical Committee -