Updated 2021-01-20 16:10:50

Lake Ontario -> 3.0 Deep Pelagic And Offshore Benthic Zone Goal -> Sea Lamprey

Reporting Interval

2014 - 2019


Meeting Target?


Indicator Trend

No trend



Spawning phase adult Sea Lamprey abundance in Lake Ontario tributaries below targets in the Sea Lamprey Management Plan

Lake Ontario continues to have outstanding Sea Lamprey control. The index of adult Sea Lamprey abundance has been at or below the maximum target for Lake Ontario during all five years of the reporting period (2014 – 2019), including some of the lowest index values ever observed in time series (Figure 1; GLFC data; Steeves and Barber 2020).

Figure 1. Index estimates of adult Sea Lamprey in Lake Ontario from 2019 – 2019. The index target of 14,065 is represented by the horizontal line


The Sea Lamprey adult abundance index is calculated based on population estimates at five index trapping station located in the Humber River (Ontario), Duffins Creek (Ontario), Bowmanville Creek (Ontario), Black River (New York), and Sterling Creek (New York). See Steeves and Barber, 2020 for a more detailed description of methods.

Other Resources

Steeves, M. and J. Barber. 2020. Sea Lamprey control in the Great Lakes 2019. Annual report to the Great Lakes Fishery Commission.

Contributing Author(s)

  • Christopher Legard - NYDEC