Comfort Inn "The Pointe"
Niagara Falls, NY 14303
23, 24 March 1993

Executive Summary

1. Transfer of SIMPLE model from BOTE to agencies

2. Development of IMSL model

The LOC approved in principle technical committee participation in setting sea lamprey targets, conditional upon satisfactory clarification of the staff time required.

3. Draft GLFC contaminant position statement

The LOC referred to the April CLC meeting discussion of the GLFC contaminant position statement drafted by HAB. The NY member's reaction was very favourable to the good solid step it represented.

4. Proposed Environmental Objectives Workshop

5. Fish community objectives and state of the lake report

6. LOC officers

Phil Smith (OMNR) will chair and Bob Lange (NYDEC) will vice-chair the LOC through the 1995 LOC meeting. 

6 April 1993

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