Holiday Inn
Grand Island, NY
30, 31 March 1999
Executive Summary
1. Reintroduction of Bloater Chub
The LOC recognizes a potential window of opportunity for reintroduction of bloater chub. OMNR supports a NYDEC attempt. NYDEC will seek resources. An operation and assessment plan will be written, resources reviewed and sought, and a timeline adopted.
2. Lake Ontario Technical Committee
Tom Eckert (NYDEC) will serve with Tom Stewart (OMNR) on the lake Ontario Technical Committee.
3. Atlantic Salmon Rehabilitation Plan
The LOC will submit for GLFC publication the Lake Ontario Atlantic Salmon Rehabilitation Plan.
4. Cormorants
The LOC recognizes that studies are ongoing on fish predation and that it is an important issue.. (See NY cormorant report at
5. Fish Community Objectives
Tom Stewart (OMNR) will work with Randy Eshenroder (GLFC) in editing Lake Ontario fish community objectives. LOC preference is for a public document that preserves nuance from agency consultation with clients.
6. Meeting Location
LOC preference is to meet in Kingston.
7. Officers
Bob Lange (NYDEC) will serve as Chair through the 2002 meeting, and Sandra Orsatti (OMNR) will serve as Vice Chair.