Hyatt Regency Milwaukee
Milwaukee, MI
25 March 1999
Executive Summary
1. USGS Vessels
The LMC will write a letter of support for retrofit of the USGS RV Sturgeon ($1 million) requested in the Presidents budget.
2. Whitefish Task Group
The LMC established a Whitefish Task Group, approving terms of reference as follows:
The Lake Michigan Committee [and/or Lake Michigan Technical Committee] has formed a Task Group to: (1) review and consolidate available information on the stock structure and spawning site distribution of whitefish caught by fishers in northern Green Bay.
Task Group Charges:
Charge 1: Review available data on the lake whitefish stock structure for the northern Green Bay fishery.
Charge 2a: Describe stock structure and spawning site distribution of lake whitefish caught by fishers in northern Green Bay.
Charge 2b If existing data are not adequate to accomplish Charge 2, design a study or studies to provide the necessary information.
Due date: to be determined
Task Group core membership: to be determined.
Appointments will follow Bill Horns (WDNR) initial approach to
Tom Todd (USGS), John Casselman (OMNR), Kim Scribner (MSU), and George
Spangler (UMN).
3. Lake Trout Task Group
The lake trout task group will lay out discussion points in early May in preparation for the 21,22 July meeting of the Lake Michigan Technical Committee, e.g., the pros and cons of continuing to stock for rehabilitation, put-grow-and-take, and to cease stocking lake trout:
Purpose: The Lake Michigan Committee has formed this Task Group to:Membership:1) review and consolidate existing information pertaining to progress toward achieving the objectives identified in A Lakewide Management Plan for Lake Trout Rehabilitation in Lake Michigan, March 19, 1985.
2) work with the LMC to revise the Lake Trout Rehabilitation Plan if such action is deemed appropriate.
Task Group Charge:
Phase 1. Review progress toward achieving the Lake Trout Rehabilitation Plan objectives
To assist the Task Group in this task, the LMC has developed an outline for review and has identified four questions to be addressed. Much of this information has been previously documented, therefore it can be referenced or when appropriate a brief synopsis can be provided.
due date: March 1999
Phase 2. Revise the Lake Trout Rehabilitation Plan
The LMC will work with the Task Group to draft a revised version of the Lake Trout Rehabilitation Plan for review by management agencies. Since it may be necessary to incorporate potential policy matters into the revised Plan it is important that the LMC take an active role in drafting the revised Rehabilitation Plan.
Due date: year 2000
Task Group core membership:
Randy Eshenroder, GLFC
Rich Hess, Illinois DNR
Mark Holey, USFWS
Jory Jonas, Michigan DNR
Dick Schorfhaar, Michigan DNR
Mike Toneys, Wisconsin DNR
Greg Wright, COTFMA
John Kubisiak, Indiana DNR
Further additions to the Task Group membership can be at the discretion of the Task Group.
Co-Chairmanship: Rich Hess and Mike Toneys
4. Chinook Salmon: Triggers for Stocking Decisions
Mike Jones (MSU) will work with Tom Trudeau (ILDNR) to identify one person from each agency to work with Jones on his Decision Analysis Framework, to help foster its success and to consider whether it will help evaluate management options for achieving fish community objectives.
5. State of the Lake Report
Tom Trudeau(ILDNR), Mark Holey (USFWS), Randy Eshenroder (GLFC), and Bill Horns (WDNR) will identify at July LMTC meeting kinds of information needed for presentation and report in order that presenters can be invited to submit outlines for January LMTC report. The Conference will be held at the 2000 Lake Michigan Committee meeting. Outsiders can be invited. A state of the lake report ms will be available in the fall of 2000.
6. Communications Framework
Joan Duffy (MDNR) and Marc Gaden (GLFC) will develop common information for agencies use. The LMC will suggest topics to Duffy.
7. Habitat Declaration
The LMC will send any comments on habitat declaration to Marg Dochoda (GLFC) by 2 April for CLC discussion. Joan Duffy (MDNR) will provide more details to Dochoda on previous MDNR comments that the agency feels were overlooked.
8. Disease Risk Assessment, Aquaculture Protocol, and Apparent IPN Outbreak
SGLFMP specifies that Lake Committees are the major action arm where tradeoffs and consensus action is decided. Bill Horns (WDNR) urged that the LMC be assertive in dealing with issues.
9. Letter to EPA re Ballast Discharge
Tom Gorenflo (COTFMA) shared a letter to EPA which his agency signed, stating that Clean Water Act exemptions for ballast discharge are not appropriate or legal.
10. Officers
Tom Trudeau (ILDNR) will serve as Chair through the 2002 meeting, and Tom Gorenflo (COTFMA) will serve as Vice Chair.