Campus Inn
Ann Arbor, Michigan
March 21-22, 1994


1) St. Marys River Control Task Force Funding Proposal

The LHC approved the LHTC suggestion on Task Force funding and makes the following resolution for CLC and GLFC action:

The Lake Huron Committee recognizes that effective fisheries management and progress toward Fish Community Objectives in Lake Huron depends on effective sea lamprey control in the St. Marys River. It also recognizes that sea lamprey production from the St. Marys River may be affecting fish stocks in Lake Michigan. Considerable progress has been made by the GLFC in understanding the scope of the challenge and to begin development of cost-effective sea lamprey control strategy for the St. Marys River.

The Lake Huron Committee urges the Parties to the Convention on Great Lakes Fisheries (Canada and the United States) to provide as a priority, beginning now, the additional funding required to aggressively advance implementation of a sea lamprey control strategy for the St. Marys River. Development of an effective sea lamprey control strategy will involve studies to establish the feasibility, effectiveness, and costs of recommended control options, including the experimental application of new control techniques, and ultimately the delivery of the optimal program of control in the river.

WE ARE REQUESTING A LONG TERM COMMITMENT OF FUNDS (3 MILLION PER YEAR) SPECIFICALLY DESIGNATED TO MANAGE SEA LAMPREY IN THE ST. MARYS RIVER. Earmarking funds in this manner will insure timely completion of all necessary studies and experimental control activities. Any funds provided beyond immediate study and experimental program needs would remain dedicated to future control activities in the St. Marys River.

2. Genetic Analysis of Lake Trout

The LHC included genetic analysis of lake trout (and possibly assistance with Georgian Bay forage surveys) in the following list of priorities for the National Biological Survey. The LHC supports the work of the NBS on Lake Huron and urges adequate funding of ongoing and proposed new projects. The LHC will take these priorities for NBS to the CLC, and encourages the other lake committees to do likewise.

LHTC/LHC Priority List of NBS Activities Needed on the Great Lakes Basin and Lake Huron

  1. Genetic analysis of lake trout stocks throughout the Great Lake
  2.  Maintain NBS Trawl surveys throughout the Great Lakes to provide indices of fish community abundance.
  3. Extend NBS trawl surveys to Ontario waters of Lake Huron.
  4. Maintain NBS full evaluation of lake trout strain and coded- wire tag surveys as Six Fathom/Yankee Reef complex in Lake Huron.
  5. Continue NBS participation in spring trout assessments of lake trout at Adam Point and Six Fathom Bank in Lake Huron.

3.a. Northern Lake Huron Lake Trout Stocking

The LHC discussed Randy Eshenroder's (GLFC) suggestion that resolutions on lake trout stocking in northern Lake Huron condition resumption of stocking on prospects for viability, rather than sea lamprey alone and decided to stand by their 1993 resolution which will be brought to the Executive Council again for action on April 12, 1994.

3.b. Stocking of Surplus Fall Fingerling Lake Trout

The LHC recommends to the CLC that the 600,000 surplus fall fingerling lake trout be split equally between lakes Huron and Michigan as in the past. The LHTC should provide specific stocking recommendations to the USFWS.

4. Lake Trout Refuge

John Schrouder (MDNR) and Ron Desjardine (OMNR) will develop draft regulations implementing the refuge concept at Six Fathom Bank, for agency and public review. The refuge proposal may include depth and/or fishing regulations to protect developing stocks of lake trout.

5.a. St. Marys River Control Task Force

The LHC complemented the St. Marys Control Task Force on its work and progress so far.

6. State of the Lake Report


The LHTC was charged with generating hypotheses for establishing fish values and for understanding species and lake differences in survivability, and with suggesting strategies for addressing these questions, e.g. RFPs, grad student, aquarium study.

8. Lake Trout Rehabilitation Plan

The LHC charges the LHTC to develop a technical lake trout rehabilitation "guide" which incorporates new information on preferred strains (Seneca), RESTORE conference findings, refuge recommendations, early life history study, etc. It was suggested that a new title is needed for this living document which will act as a guideline for all agencies managing lake trout on Lake Huron. Based on past experience the "guide" will need periodic updating.

9. RESTORE Workshop

The LHC commends BOTE for its excellent RESTORE Workshop.

10. Environmental Objectives Workshop

The LHC requested HAB assistance in developing environmental objectives, e.g. through a one or two day workshop.

11. Predator Stocking

Harry Taylor (OMNR) will assist the LHTC with SIMPLE data needs and consolidation with no specific time line. The LHC will continue to evaluate SIMPLE and other models to quantify predator stocking needs. 

19 April 94

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