Algoma's Water Tower Inn
Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario P6A 5N3
29, 30 March 1993
Executive Summary
1. Stocking lake trout in northern Lake Huron
The LHC resolves that lake trout not be stocked north of 45o (Rockport) until two years before
effective sea lamprey control measures are scheduled for the St. Marys River. The LHC will
cancel this resolution if the TFRC / executive council advises that political pressures are
unlikely to permit resumption of stocking when sea lamprey control measures are in place.
Based on this resolution, USFWS stocking of lake trout yearlings north of Rockport should be
discontinued beginning in 1994 except for the Drummond Island refuge plant. The LHTC will
provide specific recommendations.
2. St. Marys River sea lamprey control
- The LHC requested that the GLFC determine how to establish fish values as a basis for
rationalizing need for sea lamprey control in the St. Marys River.
- The LHC requested that the GLFC develop a clear plan for sea lamprey control in the St.
Marys River with objectives, interim products, option evaluation plans, time frame,
decision points, and cost estimates. This one GLFC plan should merge technical committee
and SLIC plans as well as relevant portions of IMSL. A Congressional package including
damage reports, options, and costs should be derived from the one GLFC plan.
Michigan DNR requested a mid-May target date for the Congressional package. They advised
the GLFC that
a) Stakeholders can publicize and support.
b) avoid half measures that can't be evaluated.
c) Study to identify creative approaches with potential.
d) Present budget shortfalls as a two tier problem -- $4 million shortfall plus St. Marys
River control and research needs.
3. Development of IMSL model
The LHC expressed willingness to work on the IMSL model with GLFC facilitation support welcome.
4. Fish community objectives
- The LHC will add passages on biodiversity, sturgeon, and burbot to its draft fish
community objectives. The draft will be circulated for comment by public, advisors, and
stakeholders, revised as necessary and approved, and presented to the GLFC in May for
- The LHTC requested direction from the LHC on its goals for alewife. The state of the lake
report, survival info from tag studies, SIMPLE, and Rick Clark's model should provide
background material for the LHC's decision. Does the LHC wish to manage for alewife or
for their suppression?
From a longtime stocking average of 8.3 million, 1992 saw 11 million salmonids stocked in
Lake Huron. The USFWS forage report suggests that there currently exists enough predation
to reduce the age of the prey. With St. Marys River sea lamprey control, more stocked
fish may survive to prey on forage species. Unlike Lake Ontario, Lake Huron has native
coregonids which could take the place of the exotic alewife if the LHC wished to suppress
that species. However, a rollback of stocking rates now could preserve the alewife in
future. Managers may have opportunity or pressure to increase stocking of lake trout
yearlings, walleye, and possibly unneeded salmonids from other lakes. Walleye should be
include with salmonids in determining standard equivalents and total stocking of the
lake. (4.6 million walleye were stocked in 1992.)
5. Bacterial Kidney Disease
Ontario agreed to expand its monitoring program on Lake Huron to look at some wild stocks.
Attendees expressed a determination to not let Lake Huron yields drop as in Lake Michigan. It
was observed that actions were needed in the lake as well as the hatchery.
6. Astroturf Project on Yankee Reef
Jerry McLain (USFWS), Chuck Bowen (USFWS), and Jim Johnson (MDNR) will write a plan in the
summer of 1993 for deployment, retrieval, and evaluation of lake trout egg-seeded astroturf on
Yankee Reef. The USFWS has taken ownership for the project.
7. LHC officers
John Schrouder (MDNR) will chair and Ron Desjardine (OMNR) will vice-chair the LHC through the
1995 LHC meeting.
26 April 1993
Return to Lake Huron Committee